Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Sanctuary.

For all those people who have no idea as to what I'm talking about-
Jetty is this little stretch of lotsa lovely things just off the banks of the hooghly. To be more specific(as I'm always asked to be) its the area unfer the vidyasagar setu.(please don't say you don't know where or what that is!!)
Unlike the area in and around the golden gate bridge at sanfransisco(heavily expensive), this place happens to be the most filthy yet the most beautiful place ever. okay, maybe not the most beautiful place in cal considering the fact that that we have places like red road and stuff. (no! no malls!!)
Babughaat- or "jetty" is this place that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE from the core of my heart.
Initially, I had no clue that such a place did exist in cal. (same on me!)
It happened like this- one fine morning aastha told me that she knew this place which would be perfect to just chill early in the morning. I'm not exactly a morning person and personally thought that she was off her rocker cause I was under the impression that nothing on this planet can make me feel genuinly happy early in the morning.(unless its my bday or sumthing)
and so....she brought me to jetty.
The first thing I noticed about the place was that we were the only "city kids" there. The localites there were all in lungees and vests, sticks shoved in their mouth, eyes half-shut and yawning away to glory. My immediate reaction was-" aastha you idiot!! what the fuck are we doing here early in the morning!!!!"
I was so mad at her! After like a second or two, people began to realize that we were there and they checked us out from head to toe.( this happens very often in cal especially when women are around-irrespective of being good looking or not!)
I could feel the irritation rise within me. I wanted to leave. But my freind had other plans.
Aastha told me to ignore them and follow her. Considering the fact that she usually knows what she's doing(unlike me!) I followed her still grumbling under my breathe.
We went along till this little staircase made of stones and covered with moss appeared. We began to wak down when I saw that there were these beautiful boats lined up. Now these were not the types which are like the modern day boats. This is was just the way a boat is supposed to be-crude,ragged,terrible colour combinations and a wierd looking guy ready to earn his bread for the day by taking us for a ride on the river under the bridge.
We went on and sat. The wind began to blow and we were slowly moving away from the bank.
I looked around with the most bewildered expressions on my face because all of a sudden I felt so happy. Water all around, the clear blue sky and the wind blowing at the most perfect speed ever. Both of us decided to just lie down on the boat and look up at the sky and enjoy that half-and-hour by not thinking about anything!
Since I am a little impatient I did get up once in a while and look around here and there. I saw people near the banks getting ready with all sorts of nets and hooks, people taking a bath in a corner, kids trying to do weird catch thingy's far away.
The entire feeling of being on that boat and jsut being there and doing nothing is the bestest time that I usually have. I can't describe my exact feelings because those words dont exist in the english dictionary. Just go and find out for yourself. I cant guarantee if you'll like it our not but I'll tell you-its beautiful.
I love it loads. But I make it a point not to got there all the time. You see, jetty happens to be the only place where I would want to go when I'm on the edge of loosing myself. Jetty is my sanctaury and going there all the time would just spoil that quaint little thing which I have for that place.
I'm yet to experience the shikara ride in the evening with the stars above and the fire torches around. I've heard its good fun. Especially cause the crowd begins to come in around that time all for the chaats and balloon shooting and blah blah blah..............
That I'm sure is great but nothing like seeing the sun rise behind the trees when ur lying down on a boat with the wind just playing around you.
I wonder if heaven's as good as jetty........................


Preeti said...

Beautiful. Have you been to the Sundarbanz?

Tiger Lily said...


Samik Dasgupta said...

A truly nice blog, encourages me to take a jetty ride..weren't we both cribbing for a break just a few days back?? Lets take a jetty ride and a shikara ride too.
Overall, in this blog, u truly are the tiger lily i have known over the last few months.

Tiger Lily said...

you know....either you're not reading the posts carefully or you're really bad at comprehension.....

"jetty" is the place.
the boat is called the "shikara"

therefore, the shikara ride is the boat ride.
wtf is a jetty ride????

MZ said...

I've been there.theres this white buliding wich looks like greek columns or something.
Nice place n not many know it..
Try going there at sunset,the sun looks great when its setting n below the bridge....seems like a floatin orange..

*tring triiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnggggg*

Tiger Lily said...

the white building which looks like greek columns or something happens to be the princep ghaat!!.....

MZ said...

They shoot low budget movies there..
some song in a hindi movie features saif ali khan and the co-actor stretching vocal chords in that place.


Tiger Lily said...

uhh..was that saif ali khan or fardeen khan??.....