Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's a nightmare being in the board years of your lives. I think most of my partners-in-crime would agree.At one end there are your parents who remind you every single minute that "you have or ICSE/ISC and you are least bothered" and at the other you're struggling for existance. Let me stick to my situation for now. I have ISC in exactly I don't know how many days.( Pardon me!.my memory fails me!)
Yes, it is this "I don't know, or I don't care" attitude that usually make parent-folk blow their top. Ofcourse, I'm a deadly combination of both you see.And parents these days don't need much reason to blow-up, I mean it's either the children or the maid or the driver who did something wrong. According to my mother(and the ISC language paper 1998) "the youth of today is expected to play newer roles and follow more challenging careers."
Newer roles??..challenging careers??....oh! so thats why they decided to keep cut-off's like 95% and above and all sorts of trash reservations. The education system out here (and probably everywhere else too) has a bunch of dinosaurs perched up there who spent all their lives conspiring how to make our lives miserable.
Back to my point. Just because we're a part of generation-next doesn't mean we can conquer the world. I mean we'd love to but hey!, you're not helping!! So what if we listen to comparatively high level decibled music while studying hindi. (It's hindi!!. & I can't listen to breaking benjamin and numb softly!)
From the outside we may look like we haven't showered for ages but from the inside..its all a bed of roses!
What I'm basically trying to say is that, Relax!..Breathe....the world is not coming to an end tommorrow or sometime soon. (I wish!) "BOARDS" are important. Agreed. We know that. Not Agreed. Sleeping till 8:00 a.m. in the morning is no way connected to the percentage we will be getting in the exams. Incase you haven't noticed, during the exams the "groove" sets in thus resulting in the sudden rise of demand for coffee & a tremendous fall in the supply of sleep. Everything is compensated there.
Hurtling all sorts of insults and reasons as to why you think nothings going to happen out of us won't increase the percentage. For all you know it will decrease it. If you think you're making life simpler and clearer for us by making us aware of "things", believe me, YOUR NOT HELPING AT ALL!.
Besides, majority of the time is spent claiming how so& so's kids have done well here and there and everywhere and how we're probably the most useless things that could ever walk the face of this Earth. You know what I say, I say BOO!.....All you people are a bunch of contradictions. Once you say "oh yea! you're gonna kill it", then you say "I'm gonna kill you if this isn't upto the mark". The relativeness of terms have made life very difficult for simpletons like us. "Doing well" can mean a lot these days!. I shudder to think about the consequences.
All in all, I kindly request no one to panic. The "frank ISC papers"are available and they usually come up with lovely last minute suggestions.( no no! not for me!!.) As I sign off with all my love and luck to those appearing for the boards 08' and have parents who are driving them up the wall, I hear my mother shrieking, "again you're online!! you wait..i will break that laptop of yours!), I sit back, close my eyes and see the image of buddha.
Clarity. Peace. Serenity. ( concentrate my child!, you have a long way to go!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

vanilla ice-cream loves chocolate sauce??.....

I've always been fascinated by the whole combination of vanilla ice-cream and chocolate sauce. Although I remember having vanilla with loads of other things, the whole deal of having it with chocolate sauce is something that is simply *smacks lips* amazing.

He is exactly the opposite of what she ever wanted.
She is everything he ever wanted.

He's forever confused.
She couldn't be bothered.

He was stubborn as a muel.
She was a lazy lump.

He had a terrible habit of breaking moments
She hated him for that.

He wrote really well, but never let people know that.
She found out, but kept his secret.

His brain didn't develop as well as his biceps.
She was all sensible and mature, who made most of the mistakes.

He was a peace-loving charecter yet got his paws into trouble all the time.
She kind of enjoyed the whole deal of fishing him out of there.

He needed to get high once in a while, said it kept him going.
She frowned at the explanation, but understood in her heart.

He didn't want her to climb those stairs, she was wearing a skirt.
By the time she realized what he had done to help, the damage was already done.

......and so "vanilla ice-cream loves chocolate sauce"

So I am told......

A tiger lily blooms beyond the valley, all alone
its just a flower- a mere flower
It doesnt need to explain its existance
but people cant accept that
Because its "just" a flower-
"merely" there for its beauty.
So I am told.

A warrior fights till his last breath
he believes in his abilities till the very end
The strength to carry on lingers till the last second-
that is when the enemy realizes that the warrior is off to heaven-
and that it is HE who remains in hell!
So I am told.

You can't leave!...I need you!
Math class would be so boring without you..
How do i make my balance sheets agree....???
Who do I share my lunch with...???

"look through that empty page and write your heart out..
looks through all those equations and complex meanings-
stare it in the eye..face it....and come out stronger because of it!"

So I am told.

Being Prefect.....

My official life as a Prefect on-probation began at the end of class XI. The entire euphoria of being elected perfect resulted in hours of nail-biting anxiety. Till the time when our prefectship was bestowed upon us, every one of us prefects were cowering mortals in the hands of the previous batch, all petrified of being “sent up in front!” I often wondered how I was supposed to tell a horde of girls almost all of whom towered over me, to tie their hair and tuck in their shirts. But now as I look back, as a prefect I feel that justice will be served only when the public is acquainted with the prefects point of view.
8:40- The bells rung long back, nevertheless there is a nice crowd of girls( with not only diverse but colourful excuses) in the side-lobby trying to gain access to their classes without getting caught.
Assembly: A time when every prefect wishes she had the powers of the Pied Piper of Hamlin! People just ignore us, remain perched on their desks exchanging “Monday morning gossip” and finishing off files which were supposed to be submitted last week. The mystry of the missing badge and loads of other stories concocted by the girls put the wildest science fiction to shame!
Lunch Break: We witness the end of civilization as we know it. The unfortunate prefects on “canteen & ice-cream duty” who try to maintain order are mostly subjected to fierce-glances and snarls. But at the end of it they do a pretty good job, considering the fact that everything is found in one piece at the end of the break.
And so, my plea goes out to all those girls who mplore silently (and not so silently) “didi please!!!!..don’t send me up in front!!!”. You must realize that we take absolutely no pleasure in exercising our authority in this manner. All we’re asking for is a little co-operation and an uncomplaining acceptance of school rules. (I might as well wish to see a white dragon. Probably that wish would be fulfilled sooner!)
I, personally, have grown close to a lot of juniors along with their impish tricks. It’s the little things that matter- a page torn form an exercise book with a drawing and a few lines saying happy birthday, thrust into my hand after morning assembly the other day was supposed to be a belated birthday card, one that I treasure the most.
At the end of it all, being prefect isn’t just about wearing a conspicuously shiny badge. With it comes responsibilities and pressures, thus preventing us from letting our hair down as and when we please to have a ball! Like any other group we too have our share of ups and downs and exercising control over our peers. But all of it is conquered at the end of it and the strength to do so sets in once when we are lined up to take the pledge. Every minute is truly lived and enjoyed at that moment and from hence forth, there is no looking back!


“The soul would not have a rainbow if eyes not have tears”

I live in the broken home of hopes and dreams, a palace of cards now lay shattered at my feet
Walking through the sands of time I find myself musing along my individual path……….
With no destination in mind..

I believe in the third circle of hell
I flirt with death.
I live a life of solitude and vain.
The constant existence of an ongoing pain.

Chalk in my hand, the first time I wrote your name on that board all bare
Remember me sitting in the last row without a single care?
Smearing colours all over…an entangled awful mess…the painting once so beautiful is finally lost..
The one who makes all the sacrifices for me just to put me first, you let me test my broken wings,
Although you and I both know they’re going to hurt.

I step outside and hear people scream in fear
I hear whispers…they’re so near..
Promises broken, all the violence I see
Is this the end?..cant it really be?
You walk upto me..tell me to be strong…
I take a deep breathe close my eyes and count to 3
I open my eyes and I see the sunshine
I think about this special day, and about what you said
You explained it all so clearly, when nothing made sense.
The strength that no one ever saw, was the best
And it was finally transferred to me.

But of course can this really be?
Or is it nothing but just another dream!!