Saturday, May 28, 2011


how longingness for happiness turns to fear
how one takes a look at the world from a window once where they dreamed of happiness
a rain washed afternoon turns into a shower of memories that evening.
its still raining.
the sun peaked once.
as longingness cries in a corner, lightening consoles memories.
that home was ours. those moments are now frozen in time.
as one looks back and a tear unknowingly makes it way
happiness came on a platter. a platter that wrenched the heart at a time when there used to be so little time to appreciate it.
that road back home was the longest without-
that sharing was incomplete without-
that music was incomplete without-
everything was there and now nothing because-
today happiness is limited. limited to words.
words have escaped. and broken faith, belief, hope-
taken away an innocent smile.
roles begin to reverse.
one who was alone is no more.
one who was happy is no more.
this is the curse of friendship. friendship that was to stay.
expectation and desire crept its way around
prey if you like.
time seems to have taken a detour. detoured at a cost.
a cost that one cannot meet. at any cost.


Emilia said...

awesome and so true... brought tears to my eyes

jayashree said...

Beautiful, but I didn't understand "prey if you like" .... did you mean "pray if you like"?

I am a school friend of your Dad, and I am reading these for the first time. I am impressed indeed! Congrats!

Tiger Lily said...

thank u J.
And no, that will be prey. I can't tell you the exact meaning or the reason as to why I used the word Prey. But I assure you, it is PREY. and not PRAY.

PS: Nice to meet u ! :)